Custom Exception
Django-Ninja provides an intuitive way of handling custom exceptions by registering a function(handler) against an Exception type, just like it's done in a Flask app.
So in that sense, Django-Ninja-Extra has an APIException
exception type which provides similar functionalities, for those use to DRF APIException
For Example:
from ninja_extra.exceptions import APIException
from ninja_extra import api_controller, route, NinjaExtraAPI, status
from ninja import constants
class CustomAPIException(APIException):
status_code = status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED
default_detail = 'UnAuthorized'
@api_controller('', tags=['My Operations'], auth=constants.NOT_SET, permissions=[])
class MyController:
def custom_exception(self):
raise CustomAPIException()
api = NinjaExtraAPI(title='Exception Test')