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Django Ninja Extra provides an intuitive ordering model using ordering decoration from the Django-Ninja-Extra ordering module. It expects a Queryset or a List from as a route function result.

This feature was inspired by the DRF OrderingFilter


def ordering(func_or_ordering_class: Any = NOT_SET, **ordering_params: Any) -> Callable[..., Any]:

  • func_or_ordering_class: Defines a route function or an Ordering Class. default: ninja_extra.ordering.Ordering
  • ordering_params: extra parameters for initialising Ordering Class

Changing Default Ordering Class

To change the default ordering class, you need to add a NINJA_EXTRA variable in with a key ORDERING_CLASS and value defining path to ordering class

# Django project
    'ORDERING_CLASS': 'someapp.somemodule.CustomOrdering'


  • If you do not specify the ordering_fields parameter, all fields from the QuerySet will be used for ordering.
  • For example, to order users by username:

  • The client may also specify reverse orderings by prefixing the field name with '-', example:

  • Multiple orderings may also be specified:,email

from typing import List
from ninja_extra.ordering import ordering, Ordering
from ninja_extra import api_controller, route, NinjaExtraAPI
from ninja import ModelSchema
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model

user_model = get_user_model()

class UserSchema(ModelSchema):
    class Config:
        model = user_model
        model_fields = ['username', 'email']

class UserController:
    @route.get('', response=List[UserSchema])
    @ordering(Ordering, ordering_fields=['username', 'email'])
    def get_users(self):
        return user_model.objects.all()

    @route.get('/all-sort', response=List[UserSchema])
    def get_users_with_all_field_ordering(self):
        return [u for u in user_model.objects.all()]

api = NinjaExtraAPI(title='Ordering Test')


If you use the paginate decorator and the ordering decorator together, the paginate decorator should be above the ordering decorator because first the data are sorted and then the data are paginated, for example:

   @route.get('', response=List[UserSchema])
   @ordering(Ordering, ordering_fields=['username', 'email'])
   def get_users(self):
       return user_model.objects.all()